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17 mai 2010

Safe or not safe? Sûr ou pas? A follow up suite

From today Spiegel online The flights, which were initially approved by Jürgen Steinberg, head safety pilot for the German national airline, were soon suspended. The flights saw passenger jets flying as low as 600 meters (1,970 feet) above ground, significantly...
17 mai 2010


Lien pour télécharger Bharati sous Videos Audios Url to download Bharati under Videos Audios
17 mai 2010

Am I dreaming or what?

I received this mail from shell I wonder why as I haven't subscribed to any shell newsletters as I haven't at any time logged on to their website etc. Nonetheless I had a look at it instead of throwing it right away to the garbage bin. And lo! what a...
17 mai 2010


Soon Bharati will be on line(url) under Videos Audios. Bharati is a superb Bollywood music hall. If you love India you will love Bharati. Bientôt Bharati sera en ligne(lien) sous la rubrique Videos Audios. Bharati est un superbe spectacle Bollywood. Si...
17 mai 2010

Fascism does not hide any more Le fascisme ne se cache plus.

Fascism does not hide any more Le fascisme ne se cache plus.
There was a time when dictators were shy they were talking of democratic values and were throwing crumbles of that stuff to the masses. They then realized that the masses could be taken for a ride so they started throwing less and less crumbles, there...
14 mai 2010

Democracy, really?

Democracy, really?
From Patrick J Buchanan's site "right from the beginning" an interesting article which just proves(but do we really need more and more and more evidence?) that we live in a facist world that is if we understand fascism as: Fascism should rightly be called...
12 mai 2010

Safe or not safe Sûr ou pas?

Traduction en Français bientôt! It's an open question. Rules might have changed since the time I have left the air traffic services but I doubt that CVFR rules have changed in regard to night VFR. At the time I left night VFR flights had to fly along...
11 mai 2010

Pride Fierté

Pride Fierté
As the late Georges Brassens once sang... the happy idiots born somewhere. A reflection of my previous posts Vive la France, ah bon? Ainsi que le chantait feu Georges Brassens...les imbéciles heureux qui sont nés quelque part.Et comme en écho à mes billets...
10 mai 2010

Vive la France, ah bon? Suite.

Vive la France, ah bon? Suite.
Voilà par exemple une grande figure Norman Finkelstein, pour autant on ne peut pas sauter à la conclusion que l'Amérique et Israël(puisque N. Finkelstein est juif-de confession juive) sont lavés de leurs crimes odieux. C'est juste bien de savoir qu'un...
10 mai 2010

Vive la France, ah bon? suite.

René Naba, dans son dernier billet, qui m'a fait écrire "Vive la France, ah bon?" hier fait référence à quelques figures, grandes figures (méconnues en fait pour la plupart des Français), qui donneraient une meilleure image de la France. Paul Aussaresses,...
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