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5 octobre 2010

O B Laden is dead but alive

5 octobre 2010

On REVOLUTION issue 213

On REVOLUTION issue 213
Question: Does the Holocaust Justify the Dispossession of the Palestinian People? For many the "bottom-line" argument for the state of Israel is this: the Jewish people, worldwide, need a state to which they can go for protection should another nation...
5 octobre 2010

Fondation Copernic

L'état démantelé ou aussi bien la société démantelée. Cette société qui tant bien que mal(et trop souvent plus mal que bien) était basée sur la solidarité. 9 11 joue décidément un rôle bien plus immense dans l'établissement d'un totalitarisme mondial...
4 octobre 2010

Thank you Mister John Kozy

Thank you Mister John Kozy
From As Western Civilization Lies Dying by John Kozy The Western commercial system exists to extract more from consumers than it supplies in products and services. Its goal is profit and has never been to improve the human condition...
4 octobre 2010

Gilad Atzmon(again) The tide has changed

Great stuff and Gilad seems to be a good fellow
2 octobre 2010

Apple PEEL

Apple PEEL
Excellent stuff if you are into Iphones or rather you wish you had on link to the video(in blue below) don't click on the picture it's there for deco only... Link to the video
1 octobre 2010


Si vous êtes à Marseille ne manquez pas cette exposition je sais que c'est à voir et je regrette de manquer cet événement. If you happen to be in Marseilles this time around don't miss this exhibition I know it's a must and I will miss not to see it....
1 octobre 2010

“In a time of universal deceit telling the truth

“In a time of universal deceit telling the truth is considered a revolutionary act." George Orwell Yo u can alternatively watch it here
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